
Showing posts from March, 2017

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer - Cannot find blob storage

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a great utility for navigating all of the storage available in Azure. You can easily leverage the tool to upload, download or manage snapshots for storage resources across all of your subscriptions. You can download the tool here: I ran into an issue when looking for a set of SQLBackups. I tried to use the option on the sidebar to search by prefix but I was still unable to find the SQLBackups: Taking a second look and actually reading, I noticed, that unlike everything else in the Windows world, this search was case sensitive. By changing the "search by prefix" I entered to match the case sensitivity, I was able to find the SQL backup that I needed.

Visual Studio Team Services - Powershell Azure Build errors

Issue: Visual studio team service builds error out with the following error: The term 'Remove-AzureStorageContainer' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Resolution: This error is caused by the deployment agent having an old version of the Azure powershell module installed. The solution was to update the module using the powershell one-get module and to install the current version from the powershell gallery. Use the command "install-module azure -force" if an existing version is installed. Once that is completed, as the helpful build error below points out: Neither the Azure module nor the AzureRM module was found. If the module was recently installed, retry after restarting the VSTS task agent. You must restart the services named VSO Agent (your agent name here).