Configuration Management with Salt Stack on Windows - Part 2 - Configuring Salt Minion with Vagrant
This is part two of a series of basic configuration management for Saltstack for use in an Windows environment. In this guide we'll be covering the basics of setting up Salt Stack Windows minion on a test machine on Vagrant. Part 3 we will be diving into the meat and pushing some buttons automatically with the Salt Master. In order to create a test minion, we'll be using a Windows Server 2012 R2 vagrant image. vagrant init mwrock/Windows2012R2 vagrant up Once the machine is online you can login with vagrant / vagrant. The download for the salt minion can be found on Or the direct link: The Windows installer is straightforward - just enter the Master IP or Hostname for the Salt server. We're not going over the internet, so I entered the Private IP. If you use the default "hostname...